Change the results of WES certification for undergraduate degree-free graduates

Before May of this year, Tsinghua certification can be used for undergraduate diplomas and degree certificates. WES also requires applicants to send the certification reports of undergraduate degree certificates, diplomas and transcripts. If you only send a past undergraduate diploma, you will recognize a “Four years of undergraduate study”. It looks like there is no graduation. Can this thing count 21 points? We saw a case in the group that was submitted last year and was recently refused. The reason for the refusal was “‘Four years of undergraduate study’ is not equivalent of a Canadian educational credential”.

Therefore, if only the diploma does not have a degree certificate, the result is very dangerous. For customers with only undergraduate diplomas, the first task is to recognize the qualifications that meet the requirements of the Immigration Department.
This year’s situation is different. The undergraduate diploma can only go to school, and can only be sent in person, and the letter does not recognize the transcripts of their translation, so the transcript is still Tsinghua.

M surnamed customers, junior college graduates directly transferred to undergraduate graduation, did not pass the 4th grade, so there is no degree certificate, Xuexin and Tsinghua sent the report to WES respectively, we began to negotiate with WES.
Our argument is: Mr. M would have been a junior college for three years, but after his own efforts, he became an undergraduate and graduated in the third year. The undergraduate college entrance examination scores are higher than the junior college students, and the study time is longer. If the three-year college can count 21 points, the four-year undergraduate course can only count 5 points according to the high school. This is unreasonable. What’s more, Mr. M got his diploma and he is a Diploma in Canada, so the result of the certification should be a four-year diploma: Diploma (four years).
Three weeks later, WES did not respond positively to this question. It may be that it was found after the investigation, and the results of the previous certification even led to the refusal of the person, so they knew it. When the certification report came out quietly, the result was actually Diploma (three years).
The reason for recognizing a three-year college may be that Canada does not have a four-year college, and certification is equivalent to a degree in Canada. However, this result is much better than the “Four years of undergraduate study”. It is a true 21 points, not to mention that there is no difference in the scores of the three-year and four-year studies.

After the customer Y also successfully recognized Diploma (three years) under our communication, he is an undergraduate student, because he did not issue a degree when he graduated from school discipline.

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