How many years of work permits can I get after vocational training in Quebec?

The answer is clear: 1800 hours can not only immigrate to Quebec through PEQ, but also get a three-year work permit. The pre-Federal PGWP policy stipulates that one year of graduation and one year’s work permit, two years of graduation and three years of work, but a separate interpretation of Quebec’s vocational training, called OB 390 (Operational Bulletin 390).

Which states:

  • An eligible 900 hour program of study would correspond to an eight month WP;
  • An eligible 1,350 hour program of study would correspond to a 12 month WP; and
  • An eligible 1,800 hour program of study would correspond to a 3 year WP (as per the PGWP policy that completion of a two+ year program of study results in eligibility for a three year WP).

So this question can already have a conclusion.

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