Category: Provincial Nominee

Express Entry 122nd invitation score 459, 3600 people invited

On July 24th, the Immigration Expressway Express Entry invited the score line 459 for the 122nd time, inviting 3,600 people, regardless of occupation or class. Applicants who are just 459 points need to enter the pool by May 24, 2019. If the recent invitation rule is maintained, the score is expected to stabilize at around […]

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Ontario Master PNP was held on hold after being submitted to the Federation

Quality Assurance, which began in July, casts a shadow over the graduates who have or will be nominated for Ontario. In immigration, almost all applicants who have already submitted to the federal government have received such a request letter: The job offer from your prospective employer indicating your occupation title and wage for the full-time, […]

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Comparison of immigrant pay: the average annual salary of experienced immigrants is the highest

Internal analysis by the Department of Immigration shows that Canadian experienced immigrants (CEC) immigrants have higher average salaries than skilled immigrants and provincial nominees (PNP) immigrants, and can apply more. In CEC, international students transfer people, mainly in China, India and South Korea. In addition, although skilled immigrants are still a large number of economic […]

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Ontario’s nominated immigration quota will increase to 2,500 this year

Ontario’s Citizenship and Immigration Director Michael Coteau said on the 24th that the quota for nominations in Ontario this year will increase from 1,300 last year to 2,500. In addition, the provincial government’s bill to establish the “Ontario Immigration Law” on February 19th has entered the second stage of debate. Once the bill is finally […]

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