A maximum of 40,000 applications will be accepted for processing.
This new public policy will end on November 5th, 2021.
Temporary public policy to facilitate the granting of permanent residence for foreign nationals in Canada, outside of Quebec, with a recent credential from a Canadian post-secondary institution.
Applicants who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply under this new program once it opens:
- have graduated from one of the following “Designated Learning Institutions” in Canada after January 2017
a) a public post-secondary institution
b) a private post-secondary school in Quebec that operates under the same rules and regulations as public institutions in Quebec
c) a private or public post-secondary institution in Quebec offering qualifying programs DVS or AVS of 900 hours or longer
d) a Canadian private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees - Obtained a Canadian Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate at least 8 months in duration;
OR A degree, diploma, certificate, or attestation issued on completion of a program of any duration leading to an occupation in a skilled trade;
OR One or more degree, diploma, certificate, or attestation at least 8 months each in duration (min total 16 months) with a combined total equivalent to a 2-year credential; Held a valid study permit throughout their education in Canada; - Be employed in Canada with a valid permit or authorization to work;
- Have attained a level of proficiency of at least benchmark 5 in English or French;
- Reside in Canada with valid temporary resident status;
- Intend to reside in a province or territory other than Quebec.
For more information about the public policy and how to apply, please CONTACT US.